About Me
I am a PhD student at Wuhan University, where I have been pursuing my studies since 2021 under the supervision of Prof. Yongjun Zhang and Prof. Jiayuan Li. SkyEarth is the official website of our research team. I’m always eager to explore potential collaborations and exchange ideas with researchers who share similar interests or bring complementary expertise. My research interests focuses primarily on:
- Robot Global / Re-localization
- Point Cloud Registration
- Loop Closure Detection / Place Recognition
🔥 News
- [2025.02] A co-author paper is accepted by CVPR 2025.
- [2024.12] A paper is accepted by ACM Computing Surveys (IF=23.8).
- [2024.12] A paper is accepted by IEEE RAL.
- [2024.07] A co-author paper is accepted by ECCV.
- [2024.04] A paper is accepted by 武大学报信息科学版.
- [2024.03] A paper is accepted by Photogrammetric Record.
- [2024.01] A paper is accepted by IEEE TIV.
- [2023.07] A paper is accepted by ISPRS P&RS (IF=12.7).
- [2023.05] A paper is accepted by JAG.
- [2023.03] A co-author paper is accepted by IEEE TPAMI (IF=24.3).
🎓 Education
PhD Student, Artifical Intelligence, School of Computer Science, Wuhan University
2021.09 - PresentMaster of Engineering (M.E.), Surveying and Mapping, College of Surveying and Geo-informatics, Tongji University
2018.09 - 2021.06Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.), Remote Sensing, School of Geomatics, Liaoning Technical University
2014.09 - 2018.06
💼 Working Experience
Research Intern, Shanghai Huace Navigation Technology Ltd., Shanghai, China
2020-10 - 2021-06Research Intern, Zhongzhen Tonglu (Jiangsu) Robot Co., Ltd., Shanghai, China
2019-10 - 2020-05